„This is not an utopia. This is a strategy“, the TV prophets sing.

I’ll see you on the other side of the screen.

Friday:  I’ll start with important question: What does Jurij Gagarin mean to you?

Felix Kubin: A father without arms, legs and eyes. Unprotected nerves surrounded by nothingness.

Friday: What’s going on with your electroacoustic project Klangkrieg? Dead or alive?

Felix Kubin: Klangkrieg never died – it’s sleeping. Like in a fairy-tale. It has taken the aggregate state of gas. After condensation it will look different but smell the same. I plan to put out a 3-record vinyl box in the future, old and new tracks.

Friday: According to your studies of movies and video, how much is visual stuff important to you?

Felix Kubin: Everytime I cross a street I imagine the sound of being hit by a car. This is true. I am obsessed by it.

Friday: Talking about movies, what about your film music? Are you working on something new?

Felix Kubin: Yes, I am working on a constructivist film soundtrack for a 35mm short movie by Jörg Wagner about the activities and logistics of a harbour in northern Germany. The film is not a documentary -just like the old Russian Eisenstein or Vertov movies were no documentaries. Wagner is a specialist for poetic machine films. His last film was called „Mtodrom“ dedicated to the circle movement. This new film is about diagonals and vectors as well as the absence of human beings in a complex working area.

I love harbour sounds very much. Hamburg has the most beautiful harbour.

Friday: You’re gonna to perform to Czech republic for the first time, though the countries neighbour. Why do you think?

Felix Kubin: Bad luck. There were some invitations before but they didn�t work out.

I am a huge admirer of Czech film culture. Recently, an Italian friend introduced me to IKARIE XB-1, a sci-fi film with incredible set design and amazing soundtrack. The film is completely unknown over here.

Friday: If you once could visit the outer space, where would you go?

Felix Kubin: Right into the sun. I think, we’d have a love affair.

Friday: What song is your biggest hit do you think?

Felix Kubin: My biggest hit is still unpublished. It will be about Jacques Tati. Remember my words. But for now it’s probably „Hit me, provider“ for the Internet sadists and „There is a garden“ for the Fleurs du Mal.

Friday: When you look around yourself, what do you see?

Felix Kubin: Beautiful sleepwalkers with honey on their hips.

Friday: Considering the past and the present of computer music, how do you see the future?

Felix Kubin: The future has been more modern in the past. Musicians will take acoustic instruments and imitate computer music. After the bionic revolution, computers will look at us – instead of the other way round. In this era of inverted voyeurism they will learn what it means to be envious.

Friday: If you haven’t ended up as a musician, what are three other proffesions, you’d like to do?

Felix Kubin: Astronomer, film maker, inventor of joke articles.

Friday: If the star would fall down from the sky right now, what yould you wish?

Felix Kubin: To have a knob that can reset my heart.